Cooking Center Recipes

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blasting Off into the New Year

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year filled with great memories!  I always enjoy the time spent with my family recalling the memories of past Christmases and making new memories to remember in the future.
Thank you all so much for the wonderful gifts, I truly feel so very appreciated!  It has been a very restful break for me but I am anxious to get back to the classroom and play with all the children again.
We will be embarking on a Study of Space when we return on Tuesday.  It will be a fun time of learning and exploration.  We will discover hands on through all areas of curriculum.  Ms. Renee will have her block area turned into a space ship, Ms. Charlee will be engaging the children through Space Math and some fun Art projects and our classroom will be turned into a Space Laboratory and Space Cooking; Hmmmm, how do they eat in space? We will be doing some investigation and exploring this idea.
I am excited to discover what the children know about space and what questions they will come up with as a springboard for our learning experience.
I would appreciate any books (Fiction and Non-Fiction) your child would like to bring in to share, Posters/Pics about Space.  We are also on the lookout for Dress Up costumes along the Space theme lines.  We were donated some VERY SMALL Buzz lightyear costumes which would work if we also had some Bigger Buzz Lightyear for the older children.  If you have or come across any they would be appreciated.
I also have a couple of Parent jobs: paper cutting and letter cutting if any of you have some time or a Cricuit machine.  I also will be bringing the famous School Bus back into the classroom and turning it into a Space Ship so if anyone is creative and would like to help out decorating let me know!

I can't wait to see how much fun the children will be having with our space study!!

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