Cooking Center Recipes

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twas the night before preschool

Twas the night before preschool and all through the school, not a creature was stirring, (except for the guinea pig). 
All the name tags were hung by the parent board with care, in hopes that teachers will remember names with them there.
The toys were are nestled all labeled snug on their shelves, in hopes that children will be able to help themselves.
Lesson plans all complete, classrooms, play areas, and yard all looking neat.

When out in the yard there arose such a clatter, I jumped from my chair to see what was the matter. 
Away to the window I flew with a flash, and tripped over a toy, striking my shin, thankfully without a gash.
The moon on the playground scrubbed all aglow,  gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, Preschool Fairies dancing for school day was drawing near!